Thankful For Previous Clients & Referral Partners

Thankful For Previous Clients & Referral Partners

  • Amanda Saunders
  • 11/19/21

To simply say that I am thankful for my clients and colleagues would be an understatement. I truly believe that working with such wonderful clients all year and having such a great mutual relationship with my referral partners is one of the most successful keys to my business. 

When asked what my favorite part of my profession is, for me it is all about the people I am lucky enough to work with. I love helping others achieve their real estate goals. In working with people we build a relationship that is lasting.

At Compass we have a guiding principle phrase ‘Collaborate Without Ego’, and that encompasses the best parts of the referral process. I am able to collaborate with my clients to connect to their network and with Compass agents locally and nationally to work on behalf of our clients. In an effort to explain why I believe referrals are so important, I have broken the three key reasons down for you below. 


The wonderful thing about referrals is that I can build relationships with clients and other agents, who I may not have had the opportunity to reach before. This opens the lines of communication up for much more than a one time real estate transaction and allows me to be a lifelong advisor to clients and a confidant to fellow agents. In the real estate profession, being able to create lasting relationships is the backbone of a solid network.  


Much like relationship building, forming connections is a fantastic way to ensure I can continue to widen my sphere. On the professional side, making connections with trusted referral partners is a fantastic way to stay relevant in this business and ensure my clients and their loved ones are being paired with the best resource for their transaction. Not only have I been able to build up a network of connections with clients, but using the resources Compass has to offer, I can form connections with colleagues hundreds of miles away in other markets spanning the country. 

Mutual Benefit for Everyone Involved 

Finally, the most important reason I believe referrals are so important is the wonderful mutual benefit on all sides. When being introduced to a new client from a referral partner, there is instant trust. When making referrals, things that come into play are personality, goals, and desires. I love being able to begin a working relationship with a new client that was referred to me by a former client.


Around this time of year, we all try to cherish and thank the people in our lives for the various ways they help us. This year, I want to show my utmost gratitude to all of my previous clients and referral partners, who make my job so great year round.

Work With Amanda

Amanda prioritizes continuing education and keeps her finger on the pulse of technology. Her clients benefit from real-time market data insights and access to the latest industry tools that help facilitate a seamless transaction.